I believe massage therapy is a vital component of any health and wellness plan. My goal is to help you elevate your body’s function and resilience, while bringing a sense of ease and relaxation to both your body and mind. Together, we can create and maintain a healthy habit of self-care that supports your entire being.
Lisa DiGirolamo, LMT
Sarga Bodywork Practitioner & Instructor
Owner Lisa DiGirolamo Practicing Sarga Bodywork
Owner Lisa DiGirolamo Practicing Sarga Bodywork
With me you can achieve
My goal is to help you gain
Meet Bruno
Personal assistant
I hope you like dogs! My best buddy is often in the office with me. Bruno is terrible at computer work and fetching coffee, but he is great at being goofy and stealing hearts. Warning: He will whine incessantly if you don’t give him pets and tell him he’s handsome.